Finch Wins 'SF Startup of the Year' & Enhances 401(k) Integrations

Dec 19th, 2023Product
  • Finch, named 'SF Startup of the Year' by HackerNoon, specializes in unified API for HR and payroll, facilitating easier 401(k) integrations.

  • 401(k) payroll integrations reduce manual work, increase efficiency, and improve compliance by synchronizing employment and payroll data.

  • Finch offers scalable 180 and 360 degree integration solutions, enabling bidirectional data sync and streamlined administrator processes.

  • Automated integrations via Finch can reduce administrative burden, improve data accuracy, and enhance user experience for all stakeholders.

  • Finch distinguishes itself with immediate integration capabilities across 200+ US HR and payroll providers and smooth employer onboarding.

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