Craftathon 2023: Fostering Innovation and Team Collaboration

Date unknownConference
  • Craft held a hackathon called Craftathon at their new office in Krausz Palace, Budapest to celebrate innovation and new AI and machine learning tool ideas.

  • The event included employees from various departments to encourage inclusive, cross-functional collaboration, resulting in innovative concepts and prototypes.

  • The two-day hackathon concluded with an office opening party featuring roundtable panels on innovation and technology, and the celebration of the winning teams.

  • Key participants included Craft executives, industry professionals like Skyscanner's CPO, and investors who shared insights on funding, VC landscape, and the future of startups.

  • The hackathon highlighted Craft's commitment to creativity, technical excellence, and encouraged the integration of AI into their products, with a significant turnout and engagement from the company.

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